The All Computer Services Team

The All Computer Services team have over 30 years experience in helping companies keep their IT running.

Nigel, Jack and the team currently work on a diverse range of Server and Computer based products, and guide you towards what your office/showroom/factory really needs to get the job done. Every day.


Jack Swanepoel

Zoe Site1

Zoe Grant
Accounts Guru


Nigel Clarendon


Rick Polinski
IT Support Engineer

Jono Site1

Jono Nuss
IT Support Engineer


Kevin Bloomfield
IT Support Engineer

Dean Site

Dean Roscoe
IT Support Engineer

Sunny Site

Sunny Dog
Chief Of Security

Matt Site

Matt Timperley
IT Support Engineer

All Computer Services

Phone: 07 5456 1184 

Email: [email protected]

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